If you’re here you’ll probably have been looking all over the places an explanation to understand all the new terminologies that they appear all the time in the Digital world and they sound pretty similar. Or maybe you keep hearing people talk about those concepts and it seems like they are referring to different things. First at all, you are not alone :)
Understanding the constantly change
As we can see, everyone is trying to figuring this thing out and while we are working in the Digital World, us, the experts, are the ones confusing everyone else around.
So let’s take some time and understand these concepts, showing also how they overlap with each other — I will try to be short and precise!

Customer Experience
Customer experience is the sum of all the interactions a client has with a company. These interactions place the figure of the consumer in the center of the focus throughout the entire journey of a product or service.

User Experience
User experience encompasses all the aspects of the end-user´s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.

Difference between Customer Experience and User Experience:

User Interface
A user interface is a conduit between human and computer interaction — the space where a user will interact with a computer or machine to complete tasks. The goal of user interface design is to produce an interface which makes it easy, efficient, and enjoyable (user-friendly) to operate a computer or machine in the way which produces the desired result.

Difference between User Experience and User Interface:

Service Design
Service Design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure , communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between the service provider and its customers.

Difference between User Experience, Customer Experience and Service Design:

We are in a field that it regenerates all the time so we need to keep update and learn new methodologies. You can take some studies but the most important it is to keep yourself curios and learn that what you were doing yesterday, probably it will change tomorrow.
Gracias, for reading my post!